
Fancebleu, interview with bordeaux City bond

Fancebleu, interview with bordeaux City bond

Fancebleu, interview with bordeaux City bond

Par France Bleu Gironde

Since its creation in 2009, Bordeaux City Bond has continued to grow and confirms Bordeaux know-how in terms of storage, shipping and customs expertise for professionals and collectors. Mélusine Ampe, General Manager is our guest.

Located in the heart of one of the largest vineyards in the world, Bordeaux City Bond is a storage warehouse for fine wines and vine products, subject to duties and taxes. The ultra-secure and air-conditioned warehouse meets the requirements of its customers by offering them a wide range of services. It is one of the few warehouses to provide its customers with an online management tool. Mélusine Ampe, Managing Director tells us behind the scenes of Bordeaux City Bond, how it works, the challenges, current developments and market trends.


2009 The Simplified Joint Stock Company ( SAS ) Entrepôt Vins Export is created under the trade name Bordeaux City Bond. Bordeaux City Bond stores wines from around the world intended for export under suspension of duties and taxes, for an unlimited period and under optimal conditions for their taste and financial enhancement. The creation of Bordeaux City Bond is a first in Fran

Our guests
Mélusine Ampe Managing Director of Bordeaux City Bond
Florence Maffrand: the program of La Cité du Vin: Mexico City! Food and wine evening – Tuesday June 6 at 7 p.m. + Afterwork for world wines and specialties from the Bassin d’Arcachon – Thursday June 8ce, thanks to the intervention of the General Directorate of Customs and Indirect Rights and the will of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bordeaux, it is a response to the demand for local and foreign economic operators. 2013 Bordeaux City Bond moves and occupies a new space of 3000 m² in the industrial area of Blanquefort, a location directly linked to major highways and less than 20 minutes from the Bordeaux Mérignac freight area. The team grows and goes from 3 to 8 collaborators. 2014 Bordeaux City Bond receives approval to also be an excise suspensive warehouse, known as national warehouse.

Our guests
Mélusine Ampe Managing Director of Bordeaux City Bond
Florence Maffrand: the program of La Cité du Vin: Mexico ! Soirée mets et vins –Tuesday June 6 at 7 p.m. + Afterwork vins du monde et spécialités du Bassin d’Arcachon – Thursday June 8

Romain Bertrand Gironde Tourism and BordeauxWineTrip